New management model in BR Poľana

New management model in BR Poľana

Project „Nature to people – people to nature“

Project was implemented in 2014-2015 with support of the Swiss financial mechanism and Ekopolis Foundation. Project partners were   BR Poľana, BR Entlebuch (Switzerland), University Raperswil (Switzerland), Slovak Committee of MAB, University Bern

The project was justified because of lack of systematic approach in management of Biosphere Reserves in Slovakia as well as insuffiecient valuation of their importance by public. The aim was to establish in the model region of BR Poľana a systematic and strategic management model supported by elaborating and accepting of strategic and operative documents and to improve the comprehension of the BR by public and stakeholders. The coordination board was established, basic documents elaborated and first actions from documents were implemented.  This project strengthened the confidence among stakeholders, improved communication and cooperation between nature protection and stakeholders as well as in public awareness of local inhabitants on values of their region.